Village Rehab Team - What Are the Most Common Running Injuries and What Causes Them

If you go on a jogging streak for a prolonged period, you'll likely experience an injury related to running. These issues can include pain in your knees, legs, hips, or feet. Dealing with running-related injuries can be a major annoyance. To avoid having a niggle become a major issue, it's important to identify why these injuries occur and be aware of the signs.

Here are the most common running injuries:

  • Runner's Knee

Runner's knee is a common issue experienced by runners, where the pain is felt in the front of the knee or around the kneecap. It can cause mild to very painful discomfort, which worsens with physical activity or sitting for long periods. Other activities like climbing stairs, squatting or jumping can also worsen the pain.

  • Ankle Sprains

Trail running increases the risk of ankle injuries compared to running on the road. When an ankle sprain happens, it is usually due to landing on the outer side of the foot and rolling the ankle. Signs of an ankle sprain can include pain, swelling, bruising, discolouration, and a limited range of motion. Once you have experienced an ankle sprain, it is more likely to happen again. It is important to strengthen the ligaments around the ankle to prevent future sprains. A physiotherapist can provide a plan for strengthening the ligaments to help reduce the risk of spraining the ankle again.

  • Stress Fractures

A stress fracture is an injury caused by repetitive stress or impact on a certain body area. It is characterized by a small hairline crack in the bone, which causes pain, swelling, bruising and tenderness. If you have a stress fracture, you should seek medical attention immediately. A doctor can diagnose the injury with an x-ray, and you will need to rest the affected area for several weeks to allow it to heal.

  • Hamstring Injuries

Your hamstrings are a key component of your running form, so it's important to keep them strong and healthy. If they're weak, tight, or overworked, you're more likely to experience a strain. Distance runners can be particularly at risk for developing hamstring injuries, as small, continuous tears in the muscle tissue can accumulate over time. Signs of a strain might include aching in the upper back of your leg, tenderness in that area, or decreased flexibility or strength in the hamstrings. Fortunately, these issues can usually be rectified with proper rest and a carefully-designed strength training program.

  • Shin Splints

Shin splints can be a frequent problem for novice runners or those returning to running after a break. Aching in the front or inside of the shin bone, mild puffiness or tenderness in the shins, and soreness that intensifies while running are all indications of shin splints. Generally, adequate rest can help cure them. To decrease the chances of shin splints developing, fortify your lower legs and feet, and be mindful to gradually increase the distance you run, giving your body enough time to adjust to the extra strain.


Running injuries are common among athletes of all ages. They can be caused by various factors, including improper footwear, improper warm-up and stretching techniques, overtraining, and muscular imbalances. Athletes must take precautions to prevent running injuries by following proper warm-up and stretching routines, using the correct footwear, and taking rest days when needed. Preventative measures can help an athlete avoid the discomfort and downtime associated with running injuries.

Village Rehab Team is a leading provider of physiotherapy, massage therapy, sports massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and many such services with locations in Liberty Village and Forest Hill. If you need sports physiotherapy services in Toronto, we’ve got you covered! Get in touch with us to book a scheduled appointment!


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